GoBEBA, convenience in every possible situation.

The weather in Nairobi has been such a bummer the last few weeks. I mean the many times most of us have unfortunately had to be rained on just because it suddenly got cloudy and rainy and we didn’t think to carry an umbrella. I had a similar week last week, when it rained, I had no umbrella and when it didn’t rain, I had it with so naturally I caught a cold. The kind where they give you medication for your chest, blocked nose and possible tonsillitis. On Friday, I took a personal day, no work, no school. That way I could nurse the cold and be able to handle my chores during the weekend. It worked well, I felt so much better on Friday night.

Then came Saturday morning, I still had the cold, felt medicated but the energy I had was so much better. I however knew that the minute I started working around I’d get worse all over again. Here’s a small description of who I am; I’m a bit of a perfectionist, if I don’t get things done myself, I supervise as someone does them for me. Not my best quality I must tell you that, but I have cleaning to be done and dishes to be washed and laundry. I started off with the dishes, not much of a problem since all I did was use warm water and when you live alone, the dishes are not hard to clean.

My house, I just had to use a mop and bucket and the task was done. I couldn’t do the laundry without getting sick all over again. I quickly requested a service that could, get this, pick up my clothes, have to them machine washed and dried, then bring them back to my house. All I had to do was make a call. So I did, and all my clothes came back in great shape, no wait, perfectionist level of good. While they brought them back, I even got some food delivered.

That’s GoBEBA, convenience in every possible situation.

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